Иными словами Эовин и Ангмарец.
Eowyn and the Witch King by JakeMurray
eowyn and the nazgul by nienor
Eowyn Vs The Nazgul by *greyhawke74
Eowyn's Stand by ~bardoftheseas
Eowyn vs Nazgul by ~BeniBeniGG
Eowyn vs the Nazgul by ~Venishi
Eowyn vs The Nazgul by *Ostrander
Eowyn and the Nazgul Painting by dashinvaine
Eowyn vs Witch King by wiley1017d
Eowyn and the Nazgul by jorgecarrero
Eowyn and the Nazgul by *depingo
Eowyn and the Nazgul by *thegryph
Eowyn vs the Nazgul by ~DrStein
EOWYN vs The NAZGUL by ~moonxels
No Man am I WIP 3 by ~AbePapakhian
Eowyn and the Nazgul by *Aledin